Monday, March 21, 2011

The Meaning of Colours

Color isn't just show your a favorite one or your taste of fashion, but also show your personality.This research has been done for many years. Found that the favorite color, or color that most dominating personality reveal the contents of the closet. So, let's have fun today. Let's see what your favorite color tell about you!


You are like the black color tends to have a thinking conservative. You really know what the pros yourself. The black color also tend to make you want to look sexy and confident.


These colors tend to be known as a feminine color. But behind her girly image, this color is actually a mysterious hide your personality. So, not true if someone who likes the color pink is very girly figure, he could be good at playing style.


You are intelligent, brave and vocal! You really love being in the midst of many people and became the center of attention. You're feeling adventurous and do not like opposition.


Like the impression gained from the clarity of color, you are like the color blue is the figure of loving and free spirited. You believe that inner beauty that makes you beautiful am left completely.


This color shows you are sincere, enjoys challenges and new things. You also have great ambitions and love being the center of attention.


If you like the color yellow, then you are an optimist. Like will the challenges and outdoor activities, especially sports. You are flexible and have strong intuition.

The white color is said to be a neutral color, and so it is with you that this one memfavoritkan color. You tend to be lovers of peace and do not like to take sides. You may also include people who are quiet and easy to make friends with anyone.


If you are lovers of the green, then no one else, you are really interested in the environment.Though perhaps you are not a plunge in the environmentalist organization, but you try to keep the environment around you. You also figure stubborn, but at the same time a fun friend.

so, what colour are you?? ^^

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