Thursday, February 24, 2011

A letter from my best friend to her love...

now, wherever you go, I would not care anymore. you love her as much as I love you. even better. you let me think that you love me. and treat me like a queen, but your heart refuse that you will love me over time. I felt refused. but as everyone knows, plants which never be watered will be withered by itself. over time. 
I will be happy if you feel it too. it will hurt me if you force your self to be with me but your heart isn't there.  be happy, be thankfull, because nobody can't let someone they love give love to someone else, but me. I'll let you go. because I want you to be happy, even if you're not with me again.. 
take care of your self, I won't be there when you are sick. let her know what should she do when you're sick.. something you have to know, I always love you and still here, waiting for you..


  1. from Mikha: thanks for reposting this letter, dear.. whether you think he will read it? considering he is in london now..

  2. mii, do you believe in miracles?
    he will read this letter ...^^
